No Fees In Universal HealthCare:
Eliminate International Student Health Fee!

We celebrated when the government announced that they were eliminating regressive Medical Services Plan (“MSP") premiums. This celebration turned into shock and anger, when the BC government announced a new levy known as the International Students Health Fee (ISHF) that increased costs for international students to $75 per month/per person. This fee was implemented without consultation with students or residents in BC.
The International Student Health Fee is unjust and imposes financial, social, and administrative burden in the British Columbia (BC) healthcare system. We demand concrete and meaningful action to eliminate the exclusive, unfair, and expensive International Students Health Fee.
The principle of universality of the Canada Health Act requires that “all residents of a province or territory be entitled, on uniform terms and conditions, to the publicly funded health services covered by provincial/territorial plans.” The ISHF is a clear violation of this principle. There should be NO FEES required for “Universal HealthCare”!
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