Photo by: Sherry Young

About Us

MSU chapter at SFU is a group of international and domestic students from TSSU, GSS, SFSS, and their allies who have come together to advocate for migrant students’ rights under the support of Migrant Student United. We seek equitable and just policies for migrant students by speaking up about and fighting against the systemic barriers at the university, provincial and national level that prevent us from accessing our rights. By joining forces together we can raise awareness about discriminatory and exploitative rules, policies and cultures, and we can contribute to creating a fair, equitable and inclusive environment for migrant students and other migrants. We demand just conditions for immigration, fair fee structures, better support for migrant students, and status for ALL. Together, we can create real change!


We use the term “migrant students” as a more meaningful substitute for international students to remind everyone that we are long-term residents of Canada who deserve rights similar to other students, and our connected struggles with migrant workers. We are not temporary and unimportant! Temporary status leaves international student vulnerable to exploitation and lack of rights. The condition of our lives and studies in Canada should include dignity and just conditions.

We believe all migrants, from current and former students to workers, refugees and undocumented people, are part of the larger migrant community that are impacted by the same exploitative and unjust rules and regulations. To express our unity and solidarity with other migrant groups, we consider ourselves a group of migrants, MIGRANT STUDENTS. 

United we are stronger!

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